The Personality Profile is a report that interprets your natal or birth chart with an approach that is inspirational and philosophical as well as practical and down-to-earth.
Astrology is not “fatalism”. “What Is To Be” is not necessarily what WILL be. The individual always has free will to make his/her own choices. Your horoscope reveals the astrological imprints upon your personality at the time of your birth. It has been up to you to decide which influences to accept and which influences to challenge. Personal growth results from those choices.
To order, please include Name, date of birth Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity), place of birth, city, state/country of birth, and time of birth if known, example 11:22 PM. If unknown, please type “unknown.”
Personality Profile Report
- In this shop area of the site, you’ll find a variety of computer reports by various authors/astrologers. These computer reports are high-quality and low-priced.
- All computerized reports are usually sent via email within 48 hours of purchase and receipt of the full information required to produce the reports (excluding weekends and holidays.)